for Disciples 2), and they worked very well. But I did use other (game-specific) wrappers translating to OpenGL (e.g. I did try to use DgVoodoo in the past… it did not work for games I tried.
There are many VMs on Windows as well… And because Windows 10 has issues with running old Windows software, some users ported Wine to Windows - it's community project though, not supported by CodeWeavers (I don't remember the project name, but I bet it's Google'able). Unless there's some kind of underlying magic that makes Wine better at it than those, that's not always going to be an option (if it's an option at all). The closest equivalent to Wine that I have experience with is various translation layers like DDrawCompat, DxWrapper, and DgVoodoo and I can tell you that, while they certainly have the advantage of having virtually no impact on performance, they're not perfect and in some cases will not work and some of those scenarios are ones in which a virtual environment like PCem or DOSBox do work. PCem is also more accurate so that makes sense - in some cases that accuracy is needed, in some it's not, it just depends on the game. Hardware rendering leans more to PCem, but you'll hit a performance cap in that scenario sooner than DOSBox Daum will with software rendering. In fact, it's faster than PCem when it comes to pure software rendering (significantly so, in fact). Or is there some option there that I'm not aware of? EDIT: Cygwin maybe? Except that's not an option if you're on Windows right? Or, at the very least unless you're on W10 at which point you're doing it by way of Linux integration.